Sunday, January 12, 2020

Life disappointments or depression quote

"I'd like to think that all the lost opportunities that I had are God's way of showing me where he wants me to be." - E.J.

Deep Love or relationship qoute

"What is love?"

"The best kind of love probably is unconditional Love." 

"I love you"

"That means I'm not just here for the pretty parts."

"I'm here no matter what"  - Claudia Gray

Parenting quote

" Learn to say 
"I hope that works out for you" rather than try to fix or change people. "
- Maryam Hasnaa

Life quotes

"The beauty of the world is that each has its own stories to tell" - E.J.


"What makes life beautiful is the people around you" - E.J.

Adulting Quotes

"There's always some good in something bad happening to you, and you look for that" - Shahid khan

Relationship quotes for men

"Weak people always have to be in a relationship so they can feel important and loved. Once you start enjoying your own company, being single becomes a privelege" - Tom Hardy